Saturday, November 08, 2008

no stage fright here!


The baritone and I have adjusted to each other well, and your advice that the thousand parts need to get comfortable with each other and with me was sound.

I have always had stage fright issues when playing my fiddle but find the concertina very relaxing and play it in all sorts of public places.

The top story so far was last month when I had a trip to Washington D.C. on business. When I had time to kill I dropped by the Manassas battle field. Sitting under some trees for about an hour I could look over the park at the statues and the artillery batteries while I played out of the book "The Singing Soldiers". I think my favorite was Just Before the Battle Mother, but I can also play Dixie and The Battle Hymn of the Republic from memory and gave them a try. As always when I play the baritone I collected some audience. Despite my level of performance I have never had a negative comment from the public.

On the way home I got caught in Dulles airport by a canceled flight. To heck with this, I found an empty spot and got her out. I played for about an hour and had several people drop by and listen, including several children.

The fact that I could play in public, let alone an airport is a real testament to how nice the concertina is to play. Yours was a real star there.